Ludovica Costantino Psychiatrist Psychotherapist Ludovica Costantino Psychiatrist Psychotherapist Ludovica Costantino Psychiatrist Psychotherapist

Personal information


November 1976: Degree in Medicine and Surgery with full marks 110/110 plus laude, by presenting an experimental thesis on “Psychosomatic medicine in cardiovascular diseases” at the Clinic of Nervous and Mental Illness of the University of Rome. Supervisor: Prof. Paolo Pancheri. In the same year Dr. Costantino passed the competition to access the specialization course in Psychiatry at the University of Rome “La Sapienza”.

July 1980: Specialization in Psychiatry at the University of Rome “La Sapienza” with full marks, 70/70, by presenting a thesis on the change of local services after the new law no. 180/78. Supervisor: Prof. Nicola Lalli.

1976 – 1981 Training in individual psychotherapy with professor Massimo Fagioli

1981 – 2017 Weekly participation in the study-research seminars of Prof. Massimo Fagioli, directly cooperating in all the study and in-depth initiatives related.

Since 2017 the study and research activity of Dr. Costantino have directly flowed into constant participations to webinars and conferences organized by three important International Associations:

  • WPA (World Psychiatric Association)
  •  WADD (World Association dual disorders)
  •  SPR (Society for Psychotherapy Research)

See the program See the video See the video

Professional activity

Since 1985 Dr. Costantino has been a private psychiatrist and psychotherapist. After twenty years of professional experience and years of development, in 2001 She focused on group therapy.

In 2015 Dr. Costantino founded and since then has directed an editorial series of psychology, psychiatry and human sciences entitled “Dafni e Cloe” [ Dafni and Cloe] which is addressed to children, doctors, health workers and teachers “. The series, published by Liguori, includes three essays of which Dr. Costantino is editor: “ Droga, uso abuso e dipendenza” [ Drug: use, abuse, addiction ], “Internet, l’amico pericoloso” [ Internet: the dangerous friend], “L’abbandono scolastico” [ School drop-out ].

Dr. Costantino was the scientific director of a national pilot project on the prevention of youth distress in high schools entitled “Indagine sociale sul disagio giovanile e interventi di prevenzione” [ Social survey on youth distress and prevention interventions ]. The project, realized according to an executive protocol signed with the Institute of Social Affairs (now ISFOL), had the aim of identifying an innovative methodology to prevent youth discomfort and involved about 550 students ( age group 15-18 years ) of 21 Secondary Schools of higher education, located in 6 Italian regions.

In 2007, Dr. Costantino founded the cultural association “Suono e Immagine Onlus”, together with Maestro Lorenzo Porta del Lungo, pianist and composer. This Association with the active contribution of many supporters, promotes an intense concert activity and creates cultural events aimed at scientific disclosure. ( )

Member of the editorial board of the Journal of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy “Il Sogno della Farfalla”.

Dr. Costantino cooperated to the creation of Cisterna di Latina Mental Health Center.

Dr. Costantino worked as a specialist in the territorial services of the Lazio Region, serving at the Santa Maria Goretti Hospital in Latina.

She carries out clinical and research activities at the Istituto di Psichiatria Unità Esterna – Villa Massimo di Roma, under the guidance of Prof. Nicola Lalli.

Dr. Costantino attended Women’s Department of Psychiatry headed by Prof. G. Donini at the Clinic of Nervous and Mental Illness of the University of Rome “La Sapienza” as an Internal Doctor specializing in Psychiatry. She began her research on image and female identity here.

Dr. Costantino attended the Psychiatric Hospital of S. Maria della Pietà in Rome where She treated chronic patients in various psychiatric syndromes, participating also to the first experiences of opening the wards under the supervision of Prof. Massimo Marà.

Scientific Publications

Editorial Series of Psichology Dafni e Cloe


Interviews and articles on radio and printing


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